AMB Dance Theatre has had an incredible first semester for 2024. All of my students have grown so much and have shown a tremendous about of improvement with their dancing bodies. My mind races when the year kicks off for school in September with so many ideas, lesson plans, and parties. I have to remember that I also need to plan in time for myself to regroup and give my body a chance to relax.
The pink level dance class doubled in size! The girls really have a tight bound with one another, and support each other during class. I love to observe the AMB Dancers working together to make sure that everyone knows the correct choreography. Giving out homework is one way I make sure the dancers understand the terminology and comprehend the movement for themselves.
Thinking back to when I was in my dance studio, I really wish my teachers would have given me a booklet to help me remember all of the vocabulary and learn how to spell it. Creating that in my dance studio is one of my best highlights, because the dancers actually know how to spell the ballet, hip-hop, and acro terms.
The pink level dancers have also worked on a dance resume! Yes my dancers have resumes. Being able to broaden their minds on what it means to be in the workplace at a young age feels amazing! When they begin to work, they will know exactly what goes on their resumes! Finger snaps and pats on the back for me. I started working as an actress by the age of 10. I’ve been a working girl my entire life. Passing on this talent and knowledge feels really good.
The pink and black level dancers had the opportunity to walk and perform in the Italian Heritage parade, in October. The girls left no crumbs! I think they still say that now. They were incredibly professional and the performance was a sweet cherry on top of a huge ice cream sundae.
Two extra highlights, the black level dancers are volunteering at AMB Dance Theatre. Black level dancer Genesis took the initiative to ask about volunteering, and I said say less! Genesis and Iliana were teacher assistants during the red level classes on Saturdays. They learned a lot about teaching dancers ages 3 to 6, using the right words, having a positive mindset, and realizing that mistakes are ok at that age, and at every age. I asked both of them if they see themselves being dance teachers, with the response of a confident head nod, there may be two new teachers at AMB in the future!
Genesis is a third year AMB Dancer, and is a freshman at Arts High School as a dance major. I am over the roof proud of her and all of her accomplishments. I love hearing about her school stories and how she holds her own in her dance classes.
Iliana is a third year AMB Dancer, is in the 8th at Marion P. Thomas, and is also Miss Grande Supreme East Coast USA National winner! I am a proud dance teacher and pageant coach! She has done amazing things with her national title and continues to grow, and shine in all that she does.
All of the events at AMB Dance Theatre were terrific! The first event was the AMB Halloween party. That party was the coolest two hours ever! Everyone showed up in their Halloween best, the food was too good. If you blinked you missed it. The best part, for me, were the s’mores outside in the backyard. The backyard is rarely used, I was thrilled to use it, and lucky that the weather was perfect for s’mores.
Aside from owning AMB Dance Theatre, my second love is pageants, I own Miss Newark USA, an incredible pageant system that helps promote young girls and women into becoming amazing role models, public speakers, and guidance for their aspirations. Two queens came to judge for the best costume award! Miss Newark USA Teen and Jr. Teen, Jesana, and Ava. They are both amazing young ladies who are extremely talented.
AMB Dancer Dannett took home the winning trophy for best costume! Her confidence went up about one thousand percent! I know that trophy is up in her room on its own pedestal. Congratulations Dannett! We had two runner ups, AMB Dancers Isabella as a witch, and AMB Dancer Khloe as Moana! Congratulations!
The AMB movie night was very relaxing! We had pop corn, the girls brought all kinds of movie snacks, they completely understood the assignment. The amount of blankets that were on the floor, could have been a world record for the largest dance studio blanket. We watched Dashing through the snow, a really great movie about having faith in the season, and believing. I never stopped believing.
The next event coming up is the Photos with Santa! Very excited for this one, the dance studio will turn into a Christmas wonderland. Santa will be there for all the girls and boys to take photos, receive gifts, arts and crafts, and of course hot cocoa. What’s winter without hot cocoa?
