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Owning a dance studio

Let’s keep it real. This is hard! Owning your own business is hard! Before starting my business in 2014 I didn’t think that it would be a roller coaster ride I wasn’t tall enough for.. Owning and running a dance studio has always been my dream, being able to teach younger generations my passion for dance, music, and the arts, is one of the many reasons I love what I do.

There are some days where I want to cry, be left alone, and shut everything out. Yes. And honestly I feel that it is needed. I need to cry, you need to cry. Whether its happy, sad, angry, hangry, tears, we all need a good cry. One of the hardest parts of owning a dance studio is doing ALL of the work yourself. The bookkeeping, the marketing, the customer servicing, the choreography, the cleaning, the content creating, the mediator, the all and be all. But hey, that’s life. Thats dance.

The dance season never ends, dancers are trying almost 90% of the year. My dance studio, runs from September to June. This year I did have a summer dance camp that was incredible. The time between June and September is my time to sleep, reset, think about the new season coming in, all that jazz.

One thing that is really hard for me to do is delegate. When you’ve been doing everything yourself for so long that it becomes second nature, its really hard to see that you need help. And now I see it’s time for me to trust my passion, my dance studio with others and it makes me cringe! Any other dance studio owners feel the same?

Good days vs. Bad days

The stories I can share with you! I’ll start by saying that the good days always out weigh the bad, however the bad days always leave a sour taste in your mouth forever. There have been times where I had to ask parents to leave my studio, or conduct meetings about behavior. I still find myself in situations that I never thought I would be in EVER!! The best way I overcome these obstacles is to remember who I am, and whose name is on the building. I always remind myself that protecting my energy, and protecting my dancers from bad vibes is a must. Having a community of friends to vent to is a really huge help. Journaling isn’t always the best option, my hand doesn’t write as fast as I’m thinking in my head.

Good days are amazing! When dancers jump higher, when they realize they can perform better than they did last year, when their confidence comes out, when they are verbally able to describe how dancing makes them feel. It makes me feel so good to see the growth I created within my dancers! Good days are always better than bad.

Yes owning a dance studio is hard, and studio to studio owner I know we can share stories until the moon is blue. However I wouldn’t change it for the world! I love all the highs and lows, the really scary days and the overly excited days. It’s not for the weak hearted.

Cheers to all the dance studio owners of the world! Let’s get ready for an amazing year!

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